Imagine your teen had the skills and mindsets to succeed in life?

  • 66% of employers would rather hire someone with AI skills than a more experienced employee.

  • Less than 30% of business owners think college graduates have what it takes to succeed at work.

  • US families spend $6B on test prep services each year that are disconnected from any real-world skills.

  • Students are bored. Less than 1/3 of 11th graders think their schoolwork is important or learned something interesting in the last week

Your child can build the skills to succeed in a future where AI is everywhere.

FREE Workshop Download for Parents:

AI + Your Student's Future: What Every Parent Should Know

30 Min Recorded Session
Exclusive Conversation with Ted Dintersmith

If you're like most parents, you might feel daunted trying to keep up with AI...

The AI revolution is changing careers, learning, and ultimately our children's futures. But curriculum hasn't kept up.

If you're asking any of these questions:

๐Ÿ‘‰What is ChatGPT?

๐Ÿ‘‰ Where do I even start learning about AI

๐Ÿ‘‰ How is it changing the future for my kids? And what should I be aware of?

๐Ÿ‘‰How can I simplify my life with AI?

...Then this workshop is for you.