rebel ideas. musings on the future of learning. and more.
6 Reasons Gen Z Is Ditching Traditional CVs for Impact Portfolios to Stand Out In Seas of College + Internship Applications 🙌
Here are 6 reasons that Gen Z are ditching traditional resumes in exchange for an Impact Portfolio of their d'Skills in action. And why you should too.
How I Bagged a Paid Internship at 17 + Got an Unstoppable Head Start on Life (And How You Can Too)
How I Bagged a Paid Internship at 17 + Got an Unstoppable Headstart on Life (And How You Can Too)-image.jpeg
10 Lies High Schoolers Tell Ourselves That Prevent Us From Building An Impact Portfolio Early
Here are 10 common lies high schoolers tell ourselves that prevent us from taking action and building our Impact Portfolios early. Let’s get these out of our brains!