Every Student AI Powered to

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where students and educators together build d’Skills for their future.

The only program where students use AI to build a portfolio colleges + companies actually care about; including their own book, music album, merch line, income, and internships. And teachers learn Ai along the way too!

Expedition AI (for Schools):

Turnkey, supplemental program. Create 7 artifacts. The simplest way for students and educators to become AI fluent.


  • Learn AI alongside your students. You don’t have to be an AI expert! Just press play.

  • Connect AI to concepts you already teach.

  • 66% of companies won’t hire someone without AI skills. Set your middle + high school students up for career success by powering them with AI fluency to create their own amazing portfolios.

  • Together, become published authors. Create your own merch lines. Make music. End with 7 amazing artifacts.

  • Test drive a free mission.

Creating something awesome has never been easier.

5X your student engagement. Deepen understanding.

IMPACT10 (High School):

create your own paid internship! In just 10 weeks.

See what 500+ rebels are saying 👇

Things people have said about d’Skills and our creators 😝.

-website lurker parent

“impossible. scam. can’t be done in 10 weeks.”

-school administrator

“absolute crap.”


“i feel inadequate in my own skills after seeing what d’Skills teens can do…”

-Student alum

“unforgettable experience. d’Skills changed my life.”

-IMPACT10 student

“i can’t wait to keep working on my project and see just how far i can go!”

-TikTok lurker

“where’s the unfollow button for that bs advice?”

-business owner

“teens don’t know anything. would never work with one.”

-chris lochhead, co-author of Play Bigger, one of the top 5 marketing books of all time

“every student who wants to be relevant in the modern job market needs to go through d’Skills sprints.”

-homeschooled student (IMPACT10 alum)

“wow, learning’s actually fun.”

-Expedition AI alum

“I’m a published author! I can’t believe it!